Publication Ethics

Journal Editors

For all articles and book reviews submitted to the journal, the final decision to publish rests with the journal editors. Materials may be rejected after the initial evaluation by the editors or during the peer-review process. A paper may also be rejected during the revision process, if the author fails to make the required revisions to the manuscript.

All publication decisions will be made in compliance with legal provisions regarding copyright and libel.

All information obtained by the editors from unpublished materials is to be considered confidential and may not be used by the editors without the author’s explicit consent.

Peer reviewers

Euresis uses a double-blind peer review system for all articles submitted to the journal. Book reviews are not subject to peer review.

The editor is responsible for anonymizing the manuscript before sending it to the reviewer. All communications between reviewers and authors are to be mediated by the editor. If, however, a reviewer becomes aware of any possible conflict of interest while assessing the quality of a manuscript, they are required to inform the editors.

Reviewers are required to be objective and to support their comments with evidence from the manuscript. They are to notify the editors of any significant similarities between the manuscript and other published work they are aware of.


When submitting a manuscript, authors must ensure that they have acknowledged all their co-authors, if any, and that all co-authors have agreed to submit the paper to Euresis in its current form.

Authors should acknowledge in their manuscript all institutions and organisations that have provided financial support for their project.

Authors must make sure that their work is entirely original and does not infringe on the copyright of any other party. They are to quote and cite the work of others accurately, following the journal’s citation guidelines (MLA). Articles that offer incomplete citations or that otherwise fail to observe the journal’s citation style will be sent back to the authors for revision.

Authors may not submit the same paper or substantially similar papers to more than one journal. If they decide to send the paper to another journal, the authors must first inform the editors that they wish to withdraw their manuscript.

Previously published papers may only be considered for publication if the authors are able to prove that they have obtained legal permission from the original publisher.